Tell CA Leaders: Protect workers and our families NOW

California Legislators & Newsom Administration

No worker should be forced to choose between earning a paycheck or spreading a deadly virus at work or at home. There's a critical emergency protection the California Legislature hasn't renewed this year because of pressure from the business lobby: supplemental paid sick leave for all workers. The omicron variant is fueling a surge unlike any we've seen before and workers need paid sick leave reinstated to help stop the spread.

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To: California Legislators & Newsom Administration
From: [Your Name]

Dear California Leaders,

Thank you for your previous bold actions to help our state survive during the pandemic. From stimulus payments that kept poverty rates from skyrocketing, to enhanced workplace safety measures, you understand the importance of keeping workers healthy to stop the spread of COVID. But one of the most important protections for workers, our families, and our communities has not been renewed, and it has become all the more important as we suffer from the omicron variant's exponential spread. We're asking you to extend supplemental paid sick leave now.

All workers - especially those of us who are essential workers and have no choice but to show up for work in person – deserve paid sick leave. Research shows that when workers don’t have to make the choice between providing for their families and taking appropriate precautions when sick or exposed, transmission of the virus goes way down. In fact, paid sick leave is one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of disease. It just makes sense. Public health experts who studied the issue have proven that paid sick leave reduces new cases by 56%. We must renew supplemental paid sick leave to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Please take immediate action to help protect workers and our families by expanding Paid Sick Leave Now.

Thank You,
[your name will go here]