Tell Your Member of Congress: Say NO to Extreme Cuts That Could Hurt Our Families!

Will you urge Congress to say no to extreme budget cuts that could hurt our families?

Working people deserve a budget that creates good jobs and protects families, not another shutdown.

Here are the top 10 proposed cruel cuts:

  1. Rip $750 million away from Head Start programs, meaning 82,000 children will lose access to Head Start.
  2. Cut 80% of programs that impact 26 million low-income students, slashing 226,000 teacher positions.
  3. Eliminate programs that train workers for jobs and provide entry into the workforce for millions of workers.
  4. Slash funding to the Women’s Bureau at the Department of Labor.
  5. Cut nearly $100 million to the National Labor Relations Board, funding that holds big corporations accountable.
  6. Cut substantial funding to agencies that protect our health and safety on the job.
  7. Repeal parts of the Inflation Reduction Act, cutting $103 billion and causing the immediate stoppage of infrastructure projects that help local communities.
  8. Gut transportation funds that are building the infrastructure to make commuting more accessible and affordable and create hundreds of thousands of good jobs.
  9. Slash critical safety resources while rebuilding low-income housing with little regard to health hazards and toxins, threatening the health of thousands of children.
  10. Drastically reduce funds to programs that tackle poverty by providing nutrition to millions of families and children.
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